• The most precious
    commodity in the world.

    You can discover the diamond industry in absolute transparency.

We utilize advanced trading technology.


Financial Partners

Adding transparency and liquidity to the diamond market will provide first time access to the financial and capital markets.


Investment Pricing

A self explanatory tool to display the criteria and benefits of our investments plan tailored for your financial aspirations.

Diamond Products

Review our diamonds products traded on the international diamond exchange in Antwerp defined by the 4C’s.

Why Diamonds?

Diamonds are a good investment for several reasons. More recently, these precious ‘everlasting’ gemstones have already proven their security aspect for investment purposes, as they offer protection against any credit risks of banks or financial institutions, currency fluctuations and inflation. But not only are diamonds considered as secure – crisis resistant – investments, moreover the macro-economic law of supply and demand indicates a structural increase of the diamond prices on the world market.

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Primine Diamonds